Apple had to admit defeat again on appeal in a patent case the British high court. In the court said that the Samsung Galaxy Tab does not infringe Apple's iPad patents. decision the court said that while the physical design of the Samsung Galaxy Tab has a resemblance to Apple's iPad, but Samsung did not infringe Apple design. Because the design used not as good as Samsung's iPad. court also ordered Apple to issue statements in the media and Apple's website about the Samsung Galaxy Tab does not infringe patent rights. Presiding judge appeals court in England, Judge Kitchin said that writing should be minimal use Ariel font size 14. This decision applies across Europe and banned the two big companies continue their legal disputes in the region. Meanwhile, after receiving the decision of the court, Samsung issued a statement regarding his victory. Samsung's designs rectangular tablet with rounded rim was widely used before Apple decided to use the design. "We thank the court ruling that said the Galaxy Tab does not infringe Apple's design patents," said the Samsung. "We continue to believe that Apple is not the first company to make a rectangular tablet design with a rounded rim." "We believe that the design has a lot to put on before Apple," continued the Samsung. "If Apple continues to bring an action against their patents in other countries, it will stifle innovation and reduce the freedom of consumers to choose the product." not the first time Apple loses patent rights in court. Previously, Apple has also been lost in the demands of technology patents by Samsung is currently on trial in the Hague, Netherlands . In addition, Apple has also never beaten Samsung in German courts
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