Jumat, 08 Desember 2017

Confused Starting Business During Lecture? Muslimah Fashion Is The Right Choice For Business

Before we discuss about Muslimah business, have you ever know about what business is? How to manage a business? How do business successly? Here I will review again about the business.

Understanding of Business
Historically the word "bisnis" comes from the English language "business" which means "busy" in the context of individuals, communities or community. Thus, a business is an activity or a form of sales activity services and goods that aims to gain profits to parties who try and lasted continuously while still providing benefits.

Business Benefits
In business, definitely have benefits, the most important is to earn profit in the form of money. Here are some other business benefits :
1. Acquire Recognition of the Product Generated
Given a successful business will have a positive impact on society so you will get positive recognition from the community itself.
2. Opportunity to Become a Boss
When else can you be the boss if not in the business you make yourself? By doing business, you will be the leader of your business. The size of your business is determined by your ability to be the boss.
3. Self-Paying
By doing business, you can determine the amount of your income as well as your own source of income.
4. Can Set Your Own Time
In business, you can arrange your business hours at your own desire or be more flexible. If you want to relax, with rising business income, you can hire employees to replace you. Different if you become a civil servant. In civil servants working hours must be in accordance with government requests. Very exciting is not it?
5. Bright future
Your future will be more assured again you are more persistent and eager in terms of business.

Kamis, 07 September 2017


16 hari lagi pendaftaran ECOLY gelombang pertama akan berakhir!!! πŸ˜±

Come join us! πŸ‘
Segera daftarkan tim mu sekarang. Biaya pendaftaran Rp 130.000/tim. πŸ˜Š

Ingat ya, tgl 25 september 2017 pendaftaran gelombang pertama berakhir! πŸ˜± 
Tapi tenang, masih akan dibuka pendaftaran gelombang kedua dengan biaya pendaftaran Rp 145.000/tim.

Tunggu apa lagi? Ayo segera daftartarkan tim mu!!! πŸƒ


More informations:
πŸ‘‰ Twitter : @ecolyunesa
πŸ‘‰ Ig : ecoly_unesa
πŸ‘‰ Line@ : @ear3235k
πŸ‘‰ Youtube : Olimpiade Ekonomi Unesa 

☎ ️Contact Person:
πŸ“² Vangga : 085648323298
πŸ“² Rizka : 082245198303

Jumat, 25 Agustus 2017

Pendaftaran ECOLY 2017

[[GOOD NEWS]] πŸ‘πŸ‘
Telah dibuka! Pendaftaran ecoly gelombang pertama. Mulai 21 Agustus 2017 -  25 September 2017. Biaya pendaftaran Rp 130.000/tim

Hurry up! πŸƒ
πŸ‘‰Ada promo pendaftaran loh!
Gratis 1 tim, tiap mendaftar 9 tim dan kelipatannya. πŸŽŠ

πŸ‘‰Babak penyisihan tanggal 05 November 2017

More informations:
πŸ‘‰ Twitter : @ecolyunesa
πŸ‘‰ Ig : ecoly_unesa
πŸ‘‰ Line@ : @ear3235k
πŸ‘‰ Youtube : Olimpiade Ekonomi Unesa 

☎ ️Contact Person:
πŸ“² Vangga : 085648323298
πŸ“² Rizka : 082245198303


Kamis, 03 Agustus 2017

Info Lomba Olimpiade Ekonomi UNESA

[INFO]πŸ“£ HIMPUNAN MAHASISWA JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN EKONOMI UNESA Proudly Present ECOLY (Economic Olympiad) Nasional 2017 tingkat SMA/MA dengan tema "Membangun Bangsa Intelektual Wujudkan Generasi Ideal yang Kompetitif, Solutif, dan Kompleks"

ECOLY 2017 akan diselenggarakan dalam 16 rayon loh πŸ‘ Apa aja rayonnya? Ini nihπŸ‘‡
⏩ Rayon Surabaya
⏩ Rayon Jakarta
⏩ Rayon Bandung
⏩ Rayon Semarang
⏩ Rayon Jogjakarta
⏩ Rayon Solo
⏩ Rayon Madiun
⏩ Rayon Tulungagung
⏩ Rayon Jombang 
⏩ Rayon Lamongan 
⏩ Rayon Pamekasan
⏩ Rayon Malang
⏩ Rayon Probolinggo
⏩ Rayon Jember
⏩ Rayon Denpasar
⏩ Rayon Samarinda

πŸ”ˆ Syarat dan Ketentuan :
1. Fotocopy Kartu Pelajar (SMA/MA)
2. Foto berwarna 3x4 (2 lembar) 
3. Tiap tim terdiri dari 2 anak

πŸ”ˆ Pendaftaran :
⏩ Gelombang 1 : 21 Agustus 2017 - 25 September 2017
πŸ’° Rp 130.000
⏩ Gelombang 2 : 26 September 2017 - 23 Oktober 2017
πŸ’° Rp 145.000

πŸ‘ Promo Pendaftaran :
Gratis 1 tim setiap mendaftar 9 tim dan kelipatannya

πŸ“ Mekanisme Pendaftaran
Pembayaran dapat dilakukan melalui :
πŸ‘‰ Sekretariat HIMA JPE FE unesa gedung G11 FE atau "TRANSFER ke rekening BRI a.n Nabila Salsa Bila dgn No. 0976-01-036342-53-8 
πŸ‘‰ Setelah melakukan pembayaran. Kirim scan/foto bukti transfer ke alamat email ecolynasionalunesa@gmail.com dgn subjek asal sekolah_nama peserta_rayon yang dipilih
πŸ‘‰ KONFIRMASI VIA sms dgn format : asal sekolah_nama peserta 1_nama peserta 2_rayon yg dipilih_keterangan mengirim email. Kirim ke 0895351167477

πŸ•› Pelaksanaan
⏩ Babak penyisihan 5 November 2017 di masing-masing rayon
⏩ Babak Semifinal, Seminar dan Grand Final 11-12 November 2017 di FE UNESA

Fasilitas Babak Penyisihan ECOLY :
- Gantungan Kunci
- ID Card
- Black Note 
- Snack 
- Alat tulis per tim
- Stiker
- Sertifikat 

Fasilitas Semifinal & Grand Final ECOLY :
- Snack
- Makan
- Penginapan
- Sertifikat 
- Free Pass Seminar Guru Pendamping
🎁 Come on and join us dan rebutkan hadiahnya :
⏩ Juara I Rp 5.000.000 + Thropy (Kemendikbud) + Medali
⏩ Juara II Rp 3.000.000 + Trophy (Gubernur) + Medali
⏩ Juara III Rp 2.000.000 + Trophy (Rektor Unesa) + Medali 
⏩ Juara Harapan I Rp 700.000 + Medali
⏩ Juara Harapan II Rp 500.000 + Medali
⏩ Juara Harapan III Rp 200.000 + Medali

More informations:
πŸ‘‰ Twitter : @ecolyunesa
πŸ‘‰ Ig : ecoly_unesa
πŸ‘‰ Line@ : @ear3235k
πŸ‘‰ Yotube : Olimpiade Ekonomi Unesa

☎️Contact Person:
πŸ“² Vangga : 085648323298
πŸ“² Rizka : 082245198303